Upperclassmen share organization tips


Organization plays a key role in the lives of many students. Making sure supplies and papers are in the right space and not strewn about inside of a locker or book bag can be essential to keeping high grades.

Seniors Rachel Nansel and Kinsey Ackerman said they stay organized by keeping an agenda.

“It’ll keep you really organized,” Ackerman said. “An agenda is one of the most important things to get if you want to stay on top of your schedule, and staying on top of things is definitely good.”

Nansel said buying a pencil bag helped her to stay organized.

“Buy cheap pencils and a pencil case,” Nansel said. “High school students go through pencils like crazy. You’ll probably lose all of them within a week anyway, so make sure to bring a bunch.”

Junior Cooper Flores said One Note works nearly the same as keeping an agenda.

“Tons of people I know use One Note as a planner,” Flores said. “It looks like it will work well as one, I’d recommend it even though I’m not the most organized person.”

Using large binders and dividers are recommended by juniors Megan Scott and Marie Reveles.

“I have an organizer that has a bunch of different tabs in it to keep myself organized,” Scott said. “It’s a lot easier to have than papers everywhere in your backpack. “

Reveles said a large binder for organizing takes up less space than using several smaller binders.

“I use binder dividers, planners, and folder sections all the time,” Reveles said. “I like to keep myself organized, I think it’s pretty important.”
