Hays High Food Pantry provides food for students, families
With schools closed for the remainder of the year, keeping students fed has been a priority. In addition to the free drive-up meals available Monday through Thursday from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., students also have access to the Hays High Food Pantry.
The food pantry was established in the Fall of 2012 and has continued to feed those in need.
According to counselor Suellyn Stenger, COVID-19 has not drastically increased the number of families utilizing the pantry but has shown the continued need and “amplified appreciation” for the service.
Since school has been closed, the pantry has been providing students and families with more food than during the school year.
“The counselors have been shopping prior to dispersing food rather than keeping our shelves well stocked,” Stenger said.
Members of the community have also helped the pantry, like one individual who donated 33 $25 Walmart gift cards.
“The community support has been amazing,” Stenger said. “We have an activity account at Hays High. We accept cash, check, Walmart gift cards, as well as Dillon’s gift cards. Trust that we are good stewards and the account is monitored carefully. We also happily accept donations of food items.”
If anyone is aware of students or families in need of assistance, contact Stenger at sstenger@usd489.com

Alicia Feyerherm is a senior, and this is her fourth year in Newspaper. She is very honored and excited to be in the role of Editor-in-Chief this year....