Chamber Singers invited to perform on telethon


The Chamber Singers are performing a telethon at James Motor Co. on Dec. 8 at 12:25 pm.

The event is a Big Brothers Big Sisters fundraiser. People can call during the event, or come to the event to donate.

Choir director Johnny Matlock said the Big Brothers Big Sisters organization is such an outstanding program that seeks to “provide children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported one-to-one relationships that change their lives for the better, forever.”

“Supporting this organization is helping change young lives right in our community,” Matlock said. “It not only changes the lives of the little ones but it changes the lives of the mentors as well. Many adults and qualified high school and college age big brothers and sisters are learning the joy of serving and giving to others.”

Returning Chamber Singers encourage others to donate and tell why they enjoy performing at the telethon each year.

“It’s about giving back to the community,” Senior Shelby Matlock said. “We Chamber Singers love doing this. People should watch and support because the proceeds go to a variety of great causes and programs. There are families playing games together and the community comes together for a great cause. The telethon always gets us into the holiday spirit.”

Junior Chamber Singer Emily McPherson said why she enjoys performing at the event each year.

“It is for a good cause and it is a chance to perform, which is always fun,” McPherson said.

Junior Chamber Singer Conrad Hoffman encouraged people to donate.

“People should definitely donate because Big Brother Big Sisters is a great organization,” Hoffman said. “I enjoy performing at it because it is a tradition done every year and it is cool to be on TV.”

Matlock also shared that donating money will benefit the Chamber Singers as well.

“A donation through a Hays High School Chamber Singer helps to send these outstanding young people to New York City to perform at Carnegie Hall,” Matlock said. “Chamber Singers are not only representing Hays High School but the community of Hays. Chamber Singers will receive 50 percent of monies donated through individual Chamber Singers.”