Students express support for Chemistry II class

For students who are in or have already completed Honors Chemistry I, the class Honors Chemistry II may be an option for the 2016-2017 school year.

“We are not for sure that it’s going to happen,” science teacher Jessica Butte said. “It really depends on how many students register to take it.”

Rumor is, Butte would be teaching the class if it became a reality, but that proved to be untrue.

“If we do have this class next year, it would be open to any science teacher here,” Butte said. “We are all qualified to teach chemistry.”

There are a couple of students who have expressed interest, and are hopeful for the prospect of such a class.

“Chemistry II would definitely challenge me as well as prepare me for college,” sophomore Sierra Eichman said. “And it would look great on transcripts.”

Junior Ben Morley had started asking around to get people to sign up for the class.

“I really want a Chemistry II class because that is what I will be majoring in,” Morley said.

For some students, they don’t just hope for a Chemistry II class, but also other science classes as well.

“I wish there were more science options at our school,” Eichman said. “I would much rather take a Biology II class rather than a Chemistry II, but we don’t have that.”