13 questions with junior Peyton Thorell

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Junior Peyton Thorell has been pole vaulting since 7th grade. Thorell got his inspiration from his older brother after watching him at a track meet. He hopes to continue after graduation.

Junior Peyton Thorell has been involved in track since 7th grade. Thorell participates in pole vault and has been considering continuing the track career in college. He has even been spoken to by certain colleges.

  1. How long have you pole vaulted?

“Since 7th grade. That’s when I started.”

  1. When was the first time you realized you wanted to pole vault?

“I was probably a fifth grader going to my bother’s track meet. It was in Ellis, I remember that. It was the only track meet I went to of his, but it was cool.”

  1. Why did you start?

“I saw my brother did it, and I thought it was pretty cool, so I decided I should try it.”

  1. What’s been your favorite year so far?

“Probably this year. The school got us new poles, so I’ve really been enjoying that one so far.”

  1. Why do you enjoy pole vaulting?

“It’s fun just getting high up in the air and free falling, and just the thrill of going up so high.”

  1. What is your highest?

“11 foot 6 inches.”

  1. Do you plan to continue doing this throughout high school and into college?

“Yes, I would like to. Some colleges have talked to me, and I would enjoy doing that. It’s something to look in to.”

  1. What is the funniest pole vaulting experience you’ve ever had?

“Last year at Regionals, we were all warming up, and then the tornado sirens went off, and I had to go into the girl’s locker room all by myself. I didn’t know anyone else in there. I got separated from all the Hays kids, and I just waited it out. Then we went back out and pole vaulted. I got a new PR. I got very wet. The mat was wet.”

  1. What is the worst experience?

“At WAC last year, starting height was very high, and I went up. Garden City has bunch of really good pole vaulters, so everyone was watching that, and when I went to go, I went up and straddled the pole and hurt myself.”

  1. Do you participate in any other events?

“No, I stick to pole vaulting. I don’t like to run.”

  1. Have you ever broken a pole?

“No, but I’ve seen someone break one, and it is very loud. It was kind of cool and scary.”

  1. What do you normally do at practice?

“Well I’m usually the hardest working one at practice. The rest just kind of sit there, but we do pop-ups to begin with, and we just put a bungee up and go over that, and sometimes we do some box drills.”

  1. What other sports do you play?

“I play soccer and played bench during intramurals. Those don’t really help me with pole vault. I don’t really know if anything helps me with pole vault, but I enjoy it, and I love it (pole vault).”
