Junior Joseph Factor rescues baby bunnies



When junior Joseph Factor came across three small bunnies while mowing, he did everything to keep them from being harmed. Since the incident, Factor has been taking care of the bunnies and caring to their needs.

“I consulted to Big Creek Vet Clinic, asked around, and did some research before I finally found the best solutions to take care of them,” Factor said.

According to Factor, the best solution to take care of them was inside of an article he found online.

“I found a rather good article by a small university’s biology department,” Factor said.

Factor said he tried to feed them goat’s milk but found a better remedy to use.

“I have to use a mixture of egg whites, water and evaporated milk to feed them with,” Factor said. “But other than that, they just need the general small animal care.”

Factor said the feeding seems to be the most difficult and hands on care the baby bunnies need.

“I get up early before school to bottle feed them,” Factor said. “Then once again at dinner and then around midnight.”

When taking care of these small animals, Factor claims to have gotten emotionally attached to them.

“If they have wild tendencies, I will probably release them into the wild when they have more independent skills,” Factor said. “But I hope to keep the rabbit that I named Jensen.”
