Breakfast for Champions

Breakfast of Champions took place Wednesday morning for students that exceeded a 3.0 GPA.

The organization is held by academic boosters and volunteer parents that want to help out at the event.

The breakfast consists of cinnamon rolls, bagels, fruit and a variety of juices as well as a social place for students.

This event helps students to strive and do better in their school work, knowing that they will receive this award every year.

Although the breakfast is a nice treat, some students think it could be improved.

“There wasn’t enough food and I think they should go back to the old cinnamon rolls,” sophomore Holly Donaldson said. “I mean we are the champions aren’t we.”

With some recommendations, sophomore Bradyn Meredith believes it was nice of the school to recognize hard work students perform.

“Hard work really does pay off and it’s pretty cool that our school does this for us,” Meredith said.