The Winter Concert was a success


The annual Winter Concert was Monday Dec. 16.

Performances were by the Concert Choir, Chamber Singers, Band and Orchestra.

Students comment on the pieces they performed and the overall concert.

Junior Conner Custer is a band member.

“The concert overall was very well performed,” Custer said. “The choir, orchestra and other groups did a good job. Band played four different pieces that we did a decent job on. My personal favorite would be our third piece which was a Christmas Carol.”

Concert Choir member senior Christine Beougher also thought the concert was well performed.

“I think the concert went pretty well,” Beougher said. “The Chamber Singers did a fantastic job. I loved every second of watching them preform.”

Junior Lexie Reinhardt is a member of the Orchestra.

“We played Rest Ye Marry Rock Ye Very, which I believe we did the best on,” Reinhardt said. “Everyone was into it and we had a drummer and bass guitar. The first two songs started off a bit shaky but the last song was pretty good.”

Band director Mr. Manteuffel said it was a great concert.

“I thought all of the groups performed very well at the Winter Concert,” Manteuffel said. “I always love this concert because of all the holiday music. I was very pleased with the musicality of the band and percussion ensemble.”