Students’ interest in reading are declining


Most students have read a book for a required class within this year. But students that read for their own time is another story. Reading for fun amongst teens has declined a large amount and most books that are a hit among teens are turned into movies, so some choose to watch the movie istead. Even though teachers highly encourage students to read, some students don’t have motivation to do so. But some believe that reading is very beneficial.


“Reading is a good resource to help people be smarter, and gives the ability for people to have an escape from reality,” sophomore Jeanie Balzer said. “It also gives you the chance to travel the world without leaving where you are. If people even spent just 30 minutes a day reading a novel, it would help you be smarter.”


Though reading has all of those benefits, students have fairly busy lives. They go to school, do homework, extracurricular activities, work and try to find time to be with friends and family, so finding time to have a break at all is difficult.


“I love reading books, but I rarely have time to anymore,” senior Rachel Orth said.


Finding reasons to read and pushing distractions to the side may be difficult, but reading is important regardless. English teacher Kathy Wagoner believes reading has a number of benefits.


“Reading offers the individual various examples of how others think, develop ideas, and create new meaning from old ideas,” Wagoner said. “What students fail to recognize is the importance of reading for their intellectual development and future success.  Reading for at least 20 minutes a day can increase the reader’s vocabulary, thereby, increasing the opportunities for success,”


She adds that it also gives the readers an opportunity to read about different scenarios without experiencing them, so it’s like a dress rehearsal for life.


“By reading, students practice critical thinking skills and build their imaginations.  These imaginations turn into the future entrepreneurs, who will keep society progressing,” Wagoner said.


While reading is extremely important, Wagoner has a few theories as to why students may not find reading enjoyable.


“Perhaps students do not see the value of reading,” Wagoner said. “Students in today’s society have available all types of stimuli. With work, school, extracurricular activities, social media, game-playing devices, and family activities, students have expressed to me that they find reading less entertaining or just do not have the time to spare,” Wagoner said.


With reading in free time a very important thing to do, students are still highly encouraged to read. As people read more and more, hopefully future generations will be able to write and introduce inspiring and interesting concepts for people to read.


“Reading is only fun if you really like the book, but if you don’t enjoy it, then it will be dismal,” senior Joshua Pemberton said.