Students make alternate Homecoming plans

Homecoming plans at Hays High are changing in light of COVID-19. The traditional dance is all but forgotten, and students are encouraged to skip the usual dress-up preparation as well, opting for a less formal festival instead.

Many students would prefer to hold the dance as in past years, but due to COVID-19, Hays High is unable to do so because of the number of students that would be within an enclosed space in the gym.

“They took away our Homecoming dance; nobody’s going to do anything,” senior Caitlin Farrell said.

Various students are of the same opinion. With the events and timeframe so unlike past years, all of the normal happenings outside of the school-sanctioned activities are threatened.

“I’ll probably still go, but it’s going to be a lot different with the dance not being on Saturday,” senior Kilee Hale said.

But, some students are undeterred by the differences and are still determined to make the best of Homecoming. Several students are even taking Homecoming into their own hands. They want the full experience, including dressing up, taking pictures and going out to eat beforehand.

One such student is junior Savanna Wellbrock.

“I’m throwing a party in my front yard and taking pictures,” Wellbrock said.

She and a few other girls are planning on gathering outdoors and having their own Homecoming celebration on Saturday, Oct 3. The small celebration is scheduled to last about five hours, plenty of time to make memories and have fun.

“[It’s] kind of like a traditional Homecoming, but with less people,” Wellbrock said.