Seniors react to being chosen for Homecoming candidates

Allison Brooks

Seniors Alex Aldrich and Camry Young record candidate Dawson Vonfeldt for the Homecoming video.

This year’s Homecoming candidates were announced on Sept. 10. The candidates include seniors Alex Aldrich, Sophia Garrison, Mylah Potter, Camry Young, Kassie Zimmer, Sam Rider, Dawson Vonfeldt, Cooper Young, Fernando Zarate, and Skylar Zimmerman.

Most of the candidates had a similar reaction when hearing their names called over the intercom.

“I was honestly really excited and shocked,” Camry Young said. “It felt good to know that all my peers thought of me.”

Vonfeldt said he had his headphones in at the time and did not even hear his name get called.

“Trey Adams was the one that told me,” Vonfeldt said. “I was really excited because I didn’t really expect it.”

Being a candidate comes with a lot of additional responsibilities, including choosing outfits, taking pictures, being interviewed and much more. On top of all, that Aldrich and Camry Young are in charge of making the candidate video.
“Being in charge of the Homecoming video has been a little bit stressful, but I think all the work will pay off,” Aldrich said.

There are many different activities the candidates will participate in during the week, such as the dress-up days, bonfire, games and the crowning ceremony.

“I think I’m looking forward to Spirit Week the most so I can dress silly with my partner,” Zimmerman said.

As for the football game, that remains one of the unknowns about the week, as Abilene recently cancelled because of a COVID outbreak at their school. Hays High is currently trying to find another team to play against, but the plans, as of right now, are unclear.

“Of course, I’m upset about the game, but at the end of the day, safety is most important,” Camry Young said. “I am a little upset, but I’m grateful we are getting to do anything at all.”