Musical cast list announced

The musical cast list was announced Friday Sept. 14.
Musical Director Alex Underwood announced the fall musical, Bright Star’s, cast Friday, Sept. 14.
The cast list is as follows, in order of appearance:
Alice Murphy- sophomore Caitlin Leiker
Billy Cane- sophomore Gabe McGuire
Daddy Cane/Ensemble- junior Nathan Leiker
Margo- senior Rebecca Anderson
Max/Ensemble- sophomore Tom Drabkin
Florence/Ensemble- sophomore Alisara Arial
Edna/Ensemble- senior Katie Vaughn
Daryl- senior Zac Wyse
Lucy- junior Kate Engel
Mama Murphy- senior Hannah McGuire
Daddy Murphy/Ensemble- senior Garrett Cole
Mayor Dobbs- sophomore Andrew Duke
Jimmy Ray Dobbs- senior Cade Swayne
Stanford/Ensemble- senior Brett Bowles
Dr. Norquist- senior Scout Perryman
Government Clerk/Ensemble- senior Madison Lisman
Well-Dressed Woman/Ensemble- freshman Shirley Lee-Jones
Train Conductor/Ensemble- sophomore Eythun Wyatt
Spirit 1/Ensemble- junior Sierra Adkins
Spirit 2/Ensemble- sophomore Eliana Buller
Spirit 3/Ensemble- junior Hanna Dannar
Junior Marie-Lyn Caisting
Freshman Ashton Koerner
Dance Ensemble:
Sophomore Allison Shubert
Sophomore Kaitlyn Christen
Freshman Alora Arnold
Freshman Matthew Bollig
Freshman Elizabeth Dickman
Freshman Sydney Fagan
Freshman Alex Flavin
Freshman Stanna Flinn
Freshman Tegan Kelly Hartman
Junior Ethan Klausmeyer
Junior Brandi Lang
Freshman Emry Lundy
Junior Kenia Macias
Freshman Macy Meyers
Senior Brittani Park
Freshman Jocelyn Rigler
Junior Kari Satomi
Sophomore Kayson Unsworth
Sophomore Ashley Vilaysing
Sophomore Alexis White
Freshman Sydney Wittkorn
Sophomore Elijah Zimmerman

Allison Brooks is a senior, and this her fourth year in newspaper. Outside of newspaper, she is involved in DECA, Scholars Bowl, National Honors Society...