“Show me your Indian pride!”

This is a very common phrase students hear at any Hays High School event, whether it be a football game, a pep assembly, or the homecoming parade. Over this past summer, the school has “rebranded” itself with a new logo, no longer being represented by the Indian head.
“I think the new logo is a cool design, but I still wish we could use the Indian head every now and then,” junior Kallyn Meyers said.
Students feel that this change has altered the way they can show school spirit.
“With the changing of the logo, it almost feels that the symbolism of the Indian is being taken away,” junior Isabelle Jones said.
While the school is still the “Hays High Indians,” it can be challenging to some to see that from the current logo. The new logo consists of an “H” with an arrowhead through the middle. But the recognizable Indian mascot has been the mascot for decades, and students are “proud to be an Indian.”
“It was a new adjustment seeing the current logo when we came back to school in the fall,” junior Caleb King said.
But, even with the logo change, students still find ways to show that they’re passionate about their school.One very popular activity that students do is similar to what fans do before kickoff at a Kansas City Chiefs game. Hays High student
s do what is called the “Tomahawk Chop.” It’s a way to get the crowd excited and ready for the game to begin. This is done at all home football and basketball games. It helps the student section, band, and sporting team get ready for the game to begin.

“Being in the student section at any sporting event for the school is when I think everyone shows the most spirit,” Meyers said.
There is always a theme for the student section to dress up as, which is what most all students look forward to.
“We try to come up with new theme ideas other than just USA or Neon, but it can be difficult to get new ideas through admin,” Jones said. “Everyone still enjoys participating, no matter the theme.”
While new changes are happening and adjustments being made, the spirit of the Hays High student body hasn’t been diminished.