Excessive bookbag weight

The hallway is a crowded place. People are walking at different directions, making sudden stops to get to their locker and just standing around. In addition to an already crowded hallway, over-packed bookbags are hanging from peoples’ backs, slowly falling apart.

The amount of work isn’t the only thing students complain about. Weight and size is another aspect that most students are not fond of.

“My backpack weighs more than it did when I was still in middle school,” freshman Jeanie Balzer said. “I have had to get used to carrying more from class to class. My history text book doesn’t even fit in my backpack.”

However, an over-packed and heavy weight backpack may have future effects on the student.

“It puts a lot of strain on people’s back,” senior Coedy Staab said. “I can relate. Last year I had so much stuff in my bag that it was tearing.”

Student classes and schedules have an impact on how much weight one has to carry around.

“On average, students are probably carrying about 10 to 12 pounds on their back every day,” sophomore Grace Walker said.

While most students believe the weight of their backpacks is extensive, there are a few things one can do to lessen the load.

“If you would wear your bag the right way, you wouldn’t hurt your back as much,” Staab said. “Let’s say you have three big textbooks and you put them in your bag. Then you wear your bag using one strap and one shoulder only. If you would wear it with both straps, you are putting the weight on the center instead of on the side where that strap will eventually break.”

There is more than one way to reduce the weight of a bookbag.

“Using a locker really helps,” junior Becky Meagher said. “Most people don’t use their lockers, but it honestly makes it a lot easier on days where you need multiple giant textbooks.”
