HHITA recruiting new members

The trailer for HHITA as it’s getting prepped for their next race!
Hays High Industrial Technology Association (HHITA) is currently looking for more students who would be interested in joining the club.
HHITA’s purpose is to promote technology education through project-based learning.
One of the central projects of HHITA is to design, build and compete in the electric car program. Students race in the Kansas Electro-Rally against other schools in the state. The Electro-Rallies are races in which the cars are driven and maintained by the students who participate in HHITA. HHITA has had good rankings every year and has taken home many victories.
Students can also design and build other projects, as well. Screen Printing, 3D Printing, Architecture and Mechanical Engineering are some areas that students have explored while being members of HHITA.
Chris Dinkel leads the program, along with the students who form the club.
Students each have their own tasks that they may do while in HHITA. The tasks are hands-on learning experiences that may give students new skills that are useful in the industrial part of the world.
Sophomore Mackenzie Hagerman is the secretary for HHITA.
“We currently need underclassmen and people who are interested in hands-on learning and hands-on skills to further the program for when the upperclassmen graduate,” Hagerman said. “During HHITA, we work on, design and build electric cars. We then race the electric cars; we also allow students to work on research projects that are for school.”

My name is Cade Austin Becker Houser, and I am a junior. I enjoy track, video games, cars and music. I often am listening to music, hanging with friends,...