13 questions with senior Brent Koenigsman
Senior Brent Koenigsman has been a part of the band since his freshman year. At the beginning of this year he was selected to help conduct the band and earned the title of Drum Major.
1.What is your title in band?
“Drum Major.”
2.What does having this title mean?
“The title means that we direct the band on the field and assist Mr. Rome.”
3.What does the job entail?
“The ability to hold a steady beat and a loud voice.”
4.What made you want to be a Drum Major?
“There was a small application and hand selection by Mr. Rome.”
5.How did the selection process work?
“We were both selected by Mr. Rome.”
6.What’s the most difficult part of your job?
“Getting kids to listen.”
7.What’s your favorite thing about the job?
“Not having to march in the actual show.”
8. How often do you practice?
“Every Maroon day and some mornings at 7:30 a.m.”
9. When you came into this year’s marching season, what was your main goal for your band?
“To receive a 1 rating at WAC.”
10. What do you do with band when marching season ends?
“I am in the percussion section so will continue playing with them.”
11. What’s your favorite band performance of the year?
“Pep band.”
12. What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned this year as Drum Major?
“It is very challenging to be a teacher of a class of 60.”
13. What will you miss most?
“The excitement of the games.”

Madison Crees is in her third year of newspaper. She is honored to be serving as Co-Editor in Chief. Madison, commonly known as Maddie, is involved in...