Reaction to the Super Bowl


The 48th Super Bowl occurred Sunday, January 2. There are many things to be excited about during the Super Bowl, the food, the commercials and the game.

The two teams were the Seattle Seahawks and the Denver Broncos. The final score was 43-8 with a Seahawk victory.

“I didn’t care who won, but since the Seahawks had never won the Super Bowl before, I was pulling for them,” senior Cody Scheck said. “I was surprised that Denver’s offense didn’t do better but I felt that the receivers were to blame, not Peyton Manning.”

Throughout Hays, team flags were waving in yards and many people were wearing their team jersey.

“I didn’t really care who won the super bowl because I don’t really care for either team,” sophomore Rachel Pendergast said. “In the beginning I was rooting for the Broncos because that’s what most of my household wanted. I was kind of surprised that the Broncos lost so badly.”

The Super Bowl is a game that many students watch even when they don’t care which team is going to win.