13 questions with sophomore Hayden Brown
Sophomore Hayden Brown has been playing football for over eight years. This year he was on varsity.
Sophomore Hayden Brown has been playing tackle football since the second grade, and started playing flag football even before that.
- Do you play offense or defense?
“I played both this year, but I prefer offense.”
- What position do you play?
“I play running back or slot back.”
- Do you play varsity or JV?
“I played varsity this year.”
- When did you start playing football?
“I have been playing football for a long time, but started playing tackle football in about the second grade.” - Why did you start playing football?
“I started playing football because of my family.”
- Who is your inspiration?
“My dad is definitely my inspiration.”
- What is your favorite part about playing football?
“I love playing football simply because I love competing and have a passion for the game.”
- What is the hardest part about football?
“Long practices and the after hour work you have to put in.”
- Do you play any other sports?
“I am playing baseball this year.”
- What was it like playing with your brother?
“It was a great experience. Hopefully I’ll get the chance to do it again sometime.”
- Was it hard being the younger brother on the team?
“It wasn’t hard at all. Hunter was a great leader of the team.”
- Do you plan to continue playing football in high school?
“Yes. I plan to continue playing as long as I can.”
- Do you plan on playing football after high school?
“Yes. I definitely would love to go play for my dad and with my brother at Fort Hays.”

Anna Brull is a sophomore, and this is her second year in newspaper. She is also involved in Cross Country, Student Council, Red Cross Club and Chess Club....