Dress code raises concerns among students
At Hays High, the dress code is a popular topic for debate. Many students, especially females, believe that the dress code is unfair.
These rules are known to cause distress among the student body. Often these rules are put in place to “reduce distraction,” but sometimes stem from discrimination against or sexualization of students.
The school handbook lists the basic requirements for what a person must and may wear to school. It requires fundamentals such as wearing shoes, a shirt, and a skirt or pants. So-called private parts must be well covered, and Shirts and tops must cover the beltline and skirts/pants/shorts must be of an appropriate length, assuring that undergarments are not visible.
The clothing must also not depict/advertise alcohol, tobacco, or other controlled substances, or depict inappropriate pictures or illustrations, hate speech, or offensive material. Hats, scarves, sunglasses, hairnets, and other non-necessary headwear must not be worn in the building.
Many of these rules are different or differently enforced based on gender, and many students question if the issue lies with the students or the staff who enforce those rules. These rules sometimes trigger an emotional response, upsetting or offending students.
“I have been dress-coded,” said Junior MacKenzie Cunningham. “It made me feel uncomfortable that someone was telling me my choice of clothing was not acceptable. I was also dress-coded by a male administrator and I felt strange that he was noticing my outfit in an inappropriate way. I do not think the dress code is fair. I understand that there is a line that should not be crossed, but I think it is unfair that girls are often dress coded for wearing tank tops with too thin of straps and such. I also find it strange that boys are allowed to be shirtless in the weight room but girls cannot wear a sports bra during PE.”

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