Apply Kansas allows seniors to apply to college for free
Counselors Troy Dale and Amy Miller help senior Sierra Smith fill out her college application.
The school hosted an event called Apply Kansas for seniors during their GPS classes on Wednesday, Oct. 21 and Thursday, Oct. 22.
The goal was to provide a time where students could easily apply to colleges. More than 50 colleges statewide participated in the event, waiving their application fees, so students could apply to as many colleges as they wanted with no cost.
The event took place in the cafeteria and the library, with the school counselors and representatives from Fort Hays State University present to help students.
“It was really helpful to have those people there because it made me feel bad to ask questions along the way so I knew I wasn’t messing anything up,” senior Hope Schumacher said.
The school provided students with all of their GPA and ACT score information, and they will send the students’ transcripts to the schools they applied to, so that the students will not have to spend a lot of time manually putting in their course information.
Schumacher applied to FHSU and the University of Kansas at the event. She said she found the event very helpful and encourages the school to do it every year.
“If I had applied at home, I would have had to come into the counselor’s office and ask questions, so it helped to just be able to do everything I needed to at once with people there to help me,” Schumacher said.

Allison Brooks is a senior, and this her fourth year in newspaper. Outside of newspaper, she is involved in DECA, Scholars Bowl, National Honors Society...