13 questions with sophomore Scout Perryman
From being a leader in Boy Scouts, to being a leader in Student Council, sophomore Scout Perryman keeps busy through all of his activities and leadership positions.
1.What made you want to be in Student Council?
“I wanted to be in Student Council because I really liked how it was organized and how it helps the school. I’m always looking for ways that I can help a group.”
2.How long have you been in Student Council?
“I’ve been in Student Council since freshman year, so not very long.”
3.What is it like being a class officer?
“Being a Student Council officer is like being a member of Student Council except you show up to everything and you help all over. I also have a title and can throw it around ironically, but no one catches it.”
4.What is your favorite thing about Student Council?
“My favorite thing about Student Council is seeing an event we’ve worked hard on go smoothly.”
5.Do you plan to continue being in Student Council throughout your high school career?
“I do plan on being in Student Council for the entirety of my high school career. Doesn’t matter what my title is either, if I get to help and plan things.”
6.What all do you do in Student Council?
“I plan school events and help get those events started and finished. Student Council isn’t all work though, there is fun involved too. I can tell you that the work nights are pretty lit.”

7.What made you want an officer?
“I wanted to be an officer because my brother Hunter said I should run for president.”
8.What are your duties as an officer?
“My duties as an officer are to show up to everything and help. I am also in charge of some committees that supplement the progress of events, for example, the Chaperone Committee, which is supposed to find chaperones for our Safe Drive Night.”
9.What is your favorite Student Council project you have helped with this year?
“My favorite Student Council project I worked on this year was Homecoming because that was when Student Council was at its peak in terms of members, and there were a lot of people helping during the night where we put everything together to make sure Homecoming happened and it was an awesome thing to be part of.”
10.What’s your greatest accomplishment through Student Council?
“My greatest accomplishment through Student Council was putting together the bulletin board for homecoming, the one with the candidates. It turned out really nice.”
11.Do you feel being in Student Council has forced you to be more outgoing?
“I do feel like Student Council has gotten me to be more outgoing. Student Council pushes me to talk to different people and lead. You can do either of those things without being outgoing.”
12.Have you made a lot of friends through Student Council?
“I feel like I have made a lot of friends through Student Council. I’ve become more outgoing through Student Council and that lets me be friends with more people.”
13.Would you want to be an executive officer your senior year?
“Sure, I firmly believe in the Student Council program and I love being in leadership positions, so being a decisive leader in Student Council is right up my alley.”

This is editor Kara Brooks. She is a senior this year and enjoys cats, books and The Office.
Scout Perryman • Apr 10, 2017 at 7:15 am
I definitely had more expletives…….