Senior places first at Poetry Out Loud Competition
Senior Rachelle Lumpkins got first place at the local Poetry Out Loud competition and is moving on to the regional competition.
Poetry Out Loud is a recitation contest students participate in each year in hopes to move on the National competition in Washington D.C. Three other students competed against Lumpkins at the local competition. Those students were Ashlen Lemon, Megan Scott, and Joe Factor.
“I got second place but it wasn’t that big of a deal that I lost because I was in it for the poetry,” Factor said. “I was nervous at first to be in front of the judges because the judges are people that I really respect.”
Lumpkins is very excited to be moving on in the competition.
“I’m very proud of my placing,” Lumpkins said. “I worked very hard so I would do well.”
Lumpkins was very nervous to recite her poems.
“I was shaking while on stage, and my stomach was in a knot,” Lumpkins said.
Having friends at the competition calmed Factor and Lumpkins’ nerves.
“I’m very passionate about poetry, so that made things easier,” Factor said. “ I’ve always been a big fan of poetry. I’ve been reading and writing it since middle school.”
Lumpkins had participated in Poetry Out Loud her sophomore year, but was more nervous this year.

“I can’t really afford college,” Lumpkins said. “So I would really like that $20,000 scholarship that comes with first place at nationals.”
Lumpkins will be competing against two others at regionals next month.
“I am super nervous about regionals,” Lumpkins said. “I really want to go to state, so I’m telling people to feel free to stop me in the hallway and make me recite a poem or two for practice.”

This is editor Kara Brooks. She is a senior this year and enjoys cats, books and The Office.