Clothing seen to coincide with personality
There are many ways a person can express themselves. Some can express themselves through writing, some through the activities they are in, or some can express themselves through the way they dress.
Sociology instructor Abby Maska feels what people wear can be reflective about who they are and what their personality is to a certain extent.
“Clothes can indicate what activities people are in or any interests they have,” Maska said. “But clothes are just one way people can express themselves. I hope people are also able to verbally express themselves, or express themselves in writing.”
Maska thinks expressing oneself verbally and through writing is more sophisticated than using a certain hairstyle or clothes to show who they are.
Clothing can be used to express individuality and it can also effect a person’s mood.
“I do think that if people feel good about what they’re wearing it will most likely have a positive influence on their mood,” Maska said.
Junior Maggie Houseman feels clothing has the power to change her mood depending on what she wears.
“When I wear sweats and a hoodie I feel more quiet and tired,” Houseman said. “If I dress up I will feel good and be in a happier mood.”
Housman feels what a person wears can show what a persons’ personality is like.
“If someone wears comfy clothes they seem like they are more relaxed and chill,” Housman said. “If a person dresses up and wears makeup everyday they seem like they have more energy. When a person wears many different kinds of outfits they seem more creative.”
Junior Marie Reveles also thinks the clothes people wear give off an idea of who they are.
“I like to be happy so I dress happy. I don’t wear any dark or baggy clothes, I like to wear bright colors.” Revels said. “I do think that clothing can effect a person’s mood, but I also think that someone could be in a bad mood and be wearing bright colors, or in a great mood and wearing dark colors.”
Sophomore Mikayla Koerner feels if a person likes something or is in a certain activity they might want people to know it, and will dress in a way so everyone can see that.
“I’m more reserved so I like to wear clothing that is comfortable,” Koerner said.
Junior Laura Montgomery thinks clothing can portray who a person is in some ways.
“If you are not a happy person you are most likely not going to wear things like bright clothes,” Montgomery said. “I think in a way clothing can also change a person’s mood. If I’m sad I tend to wear comfy, dark clothing because it can be comforting.”
Sophomore Haley Spears feels her personality affects her clothing choices.
“I usually try to wear clothes that express who I am,” Spears said. “Even if I’m wearing a plain t-shirt I try to accessorize it to show a little bit of my personality.”

This is editor Kara Brooks. She is a senior this year and enjoys cats, books and The Office.