Students prefer both books and movies
Today movies are becoming more popular and books seem to be getting less popular.
When asked, more students preferred watching movies than reading a book.
“It’s more quick and easy to watch a movie,” freshman Hailey Jensen said.
Sophomore Payton Markley also prefers movies to books, but thinks the downside to movies is movies can’t show what the character is thinking like books can.
“Movies are quicker,” Markley said. “A movie will take me two hours to watch and a book will take me 10 hours to read.”
Junior Alassa Barber prefers reading to watching movies, but can see why others would rather watch a movie. She feels it takes less effort to watch a movie.
“Books have so much more details, and you can imagine characters any way you want to,” Barber said. “But some people don’t have as good imaginations as others and movies will clear up what they couldn’t picture in the book.”
Sophomore Brianna Brin likes reading better than movies because books give more creative freedom.
“Books have better details and get into the minds of characters,” Brin said. “People who like movies better only like them because they are more convenient since you can actually see things and it will clear up any confusion from the book.”
Freshman Madison Key likes watching movies much more than reading.
“I’m lazy so it’s easier to watch a movie,” Key said. “Plus, I love movies.”
Sophomore Adam O’Connor would rather read a book than watch a movie.
“Movies don’t usually represent books how they were written,” O’Connor said. “The movie always takes away from what the author worked on for a long time. Movies also seem to take forever and it’s harder to pay attention to them the whole time. I stay interested in books longer, they’re like a TV in my head.”
Barber feels if there is a movie adaptation of a book people should always read the book before seeing the movie.
“A book takes so much time to read and if you watch the movie first there is almost no point in reading the book because the movie ruins what happens for you,” Barber said. “Movies predetermine all of the details for you, but in a book you can imagine the characters any way you want to.”
Key doesn’t read very often, however she did read John Green’s The Fault in Our Stars before she saw the movie adaptation of it.
O’Connor always likes to read books before watching movie versions of them so he can compare the two.
“I like to see what parts of the book were left out in movies, and the new aspects the movie can add to what the book was,” O’Connor said.
Jensen doesn’t like reading so she doesn’t read books before movies made about them.
Markley prefers reading books first since a movie can’t show what the characters are thinking.
Sophomore Angel Bryant won’t read the book if she watches the movie version since the movie ruins what happens in the book and she feels there is no need to read it after.
Although Barber prefers reading she watches more movies than she reads books.
“Movies are more fast and easier,” Barber said. “Books may have more details but sometimes it’s nice to relax and be able to watch a movie you know nothing about.”

This is editor Kara Brooks. She is a senior this year and enjoys cats, books and The Office.