Website encounters new changes

In the last few weeks, the website has had a major make over. Thanks to the help of journalism teacher Bill Gasper and senior Conrad Hoffman, the change has been successful.

“I am very pleased with the new design,” Gasper said. “Our goal to change the website passed.”

The new website is all student performed and produced.

“Now the website design is not from another cite,” Gasper said. “It is all unique.”

Reconfiguring the front page was the largest task done.

“We wanted the main links to all be visible, including the online Guidon,” Gasper said.

Hoffman said that he is quite biased about the change however looking at it from a technical standpoint, it is a gigantic improvement.

“The website is much cleaner and more editor friendly now,” Hoffman said.

The design is also much more professional and the most positive change has become more users and viewers to the Guidon.

While the website looks better than before to most students and staff, there are of course some who don’t like the change.

“At the end of the day, it’s better for all involved,” Hoffman said. “The changes are minor and this year’s web team and future web teams can make more cool stuff for main pages.”