Harambe died too soon

A life was taken this past summer on May 28 at the Cincinnati Zoo. A young boy managed to crawl into the gorilla exhibit, resulting in the death of a silverback gorilla named Harambe.

The zoo’s decision to fatally shoot Harambe stirred quite the reaction from the public, and probably rightfully so. People either believed the zoo made the right call in firing shots at Harambe, but others had a different idea.

The zoo has been receiving quite the backlash on social media regarding their choice to not use tranquilizers in the situation. They claimed the tranquilizers could have potentially taken several minutes to become effective, which during the meantime may have irritated Harambe further.

That doesn’t seem like a valid enough reason to shoot him on the spot. Yes, it was a possibility. Could they have tried something before that? Probably.

The zoo should have a better system in place to prevent unnecessary deaths of animals like this, and also to prevent this type of situation from even arising. It’s pretty wild that a small child could just find a way to climb into Gorilla World. The Cincinnati Zoo must have some top-notch security on their exhibits.

Another fun fact for you – the zoo claims to play an important role in “breeding and conservation.” Conservation. Just let that sink in. If they were really about conservation, they most likely would try their best to not shoot gorillas (which are endangered) unless they absolutely had to. Just a thought.

The internet has recently made Harambe into a dank meme. Harambe is now everywhere. People have made quotes, petitions, you name it. No one is really sure why Harambe’s death has become such a popular joke, but everyone seems to like it (except for the few who think the memes are “racist and sexist” which is quite the stretch).

Harambe’s death could have been avoided, and the Cincinnati Zoo may never live this one down. We’ve suffered a tragic loss, and it is our responsibility to remember Harambe, just like he would want.
