Student’s attitudes towards school

Students come in many shapes and sizes, along with many different opinions and values about how they should act in school, treat teachers, and talk to other students.

My opinion is that students should act respectful of their teachers at all times, even if they might disagree with something a teacher says. Teachers are going to teach what they must no matter what a student may say.

Students seem to think that goofing off in class and interrupting the teacher is sometimes okay. I don’t think so. However, what can I do about it?

I feel that we come to school to receive an education and to have fun with our friends. Other students might consider school a prison that they are forced to attend, so they chose to slack off and not to do their homework.

Although I think that these students who neglect their educational duties are wrong, I am not personally angered by them.

We can’t just be bothered by every little detail in life that we don’t agree with.

When I witness another student receiving a zero on a paper or talking when the teacher is lecturing, I simply ignore them.

We are only responsible for ourselves in school. Other students will not take kindly to outspoken judgments on their behavior by another one of their peers.

The only time I believe interjection is acceptable by another student is when someone is getting bullied or you feel like you could positively affect another student’s life in some way without offending them or overwhelming them.

I guess my overall opinion is that I am not opinionated on how we should treat school.

I know how I treat school, and I feel that my way is a positive and productive way, considering my grades and accomplishments.

But how other kids treat school is their choice. It won’t affect me or my efforts towards success.