Students respect hardworking teachers

Students put a lot of time and effort into doing their homework, studying for tests and maintaining a good understanding of the subject being taught. When it is obvious that a teacher is working just as hard as the students, they are more respected by the students.

Students enjoy when their teachers realize how hard students work and actually take note that they have other classes as well as theirs. That doesn’t mean they have to assign any less, it just means that they at least understand their students and that high school is not easy.

Teachers that don’t get grades in for a long time and aren’t organized make their students not want to try in their class.

I have found that if I see that my teacher is working hard to help me learn, I want to work harder as well and makes that class a priority.

The way a teacher grades can also make students feel a certain way about a class. If they grade too harsh, it makes their students feel like they can never get it right. If they grade too easy, it makes their students feel like they don’t have to try very hard to do well in their class. Middle ground is just about perfect and leaves their students without disappointment in themselves and also makes them want to learn.

Another thing that gains students respect from a teacher is when they actually care about the well being of their students. This type of teacher cares when they see grades drop in Powerschool and try to encourage their students to keep on trying. I want to do well in a class that my teacher wants me to do well in as well.

I think a good teacher would show that they are human too and make their students feel free to ask questions or get help. In class when a teacher asks if there are any questions I know the whole class is probably thinking the same thing I am but nobody is willing to put themselves at risk of sounding stupid.

Teachers play a major role in students’ lives and having a good teacher can really make a difference.