Board of Education discusses updates to COVID plan, changes to take effect April 26

Superintendent Ron Wilson (right) discusses COVID numbers in the district during the Board of Education meeting on April 12. Changes to COVID protocol will be implemented starting April 26.
USD 489 Board of Education met on April 12.
Superintendent Ron Wilson reported on COVID in the district.
“Our numbers district-wide have looked good the last three or four weeks,” Wilson said. “We’re very optimistic. I say that with the understanding that COVID is still real and COVID is still here.”
Wilson is recommending changes to the district COVID plan.
“We haven’t seen a lot of spread inside of our schools,” Wilson said. “I think one of the things that you can attribute that to is our mitigation through masks.”
However, since COVID numbers are so low and vaccines are being administered, the board recommended that students and staff may take their masks off once seated in classrooms.
Individuals will still be required to wear masks when using district transportation, standing in food lines, entering the building and gathering with friends in the hallways or in other confined areas.
“We’re still probably going to limit visitors,” Wilson said. “But, we’ll have any visitor who comes in from the outside wear a mask throughout the remainder of the year.”
These new regulations do not supersede KSHSAA or league regulations.
These updates will take effect on April 26.
“We’re still a couple weeks away from making these changes, but I wanted to get them in front of you guys,” Wilson said.

Alicia Feyerherm is a senior, and this is her fourth year in Newspaper. She is very honored and excited to be in the role of Editor-in-Chief this year....