Environmental Club hosts annual scavenger hunt
Environmental Club met at Frontier Park on Nov. 14 for their second annual scavenger hunt.
“Last year, the scavenger hunt was a really good team-building activity, so we decided to do it again this year,” co-founder of Environmental Club, senior Kassie Zimmer, said. “We had a lot more participation this year compared to last year.”
The club met in one of the park shelters and ate pizza before starting the hunt at 1 p.m.
The 30 students who attended were broken up into four teams and completed tasks assigned on the app “GooseChase.”
Some tasks were directly tied to helping the environment, such as picking up trash, but others were just fun tasks like taking pictures of seven team members jumping.
The groups had an hour to complete as many tasks as possible with each task being designated a specific point value.
The winning team completed more than 60 tasks, accruing 29,200 points.
The team consisted of seniors Alicia Feyerherm, Kilee Hale, Maddison Holloway, Hope Kisner, Antoni Leiker, Skylar Zimmerman and Zimmer and juniors Aleyia Ruder and Nikka Vuong.
“I’ve never tasted defeat,” Leiker said. “I didn’t even realize we’d won ‘till the end. We were just having a good time.”
The scavenger hunt proved to be an enjoyable experience even for those not on the winning team.
“I really had a lot of fun at the scavenger hunt,” senior Fernando Zarate said. “Our team didn’t win, but it was nice getting to know the other members while completing the tasks.”

Alicia Feyerherm is a senior, and this is her fourth year in Newspaper. She is very honored and excited to be in the role of Editor-in-Chief this year....
Nikka Vuong • Nov 20, 2020 at 2:20 pm
wait, we won ? I thought megs team won.