Parent Choice Remote students discuss their schooling experience
The bell rings, and students shuffle to their first hour classes. USD 489 students have been in school for over a month now. However, some students, like senior Eythun Wyatt, have chosen to learn remotely this year.
“Online school is like a job or a chore to me,” Wyatt said. “I get up at around 9 or 10, and I wait for my Zoom meetings so I can get school out of the way for the day.”
While Wyatt said he has enjoyed being able to work at his own pace, he added that his motivation to complete assignments has dwindled.
“I have found it way more difficult to stay on top of online assignments,” Wyatt said. “There’s no incentive, and there nobody enforcing you to get the work done.”
Wyatt also said he misses social interaction and some of his electives, which he cannot take virtually.
“Overall, I’d recommend online schooling for students who just want to get school out of the way and don’t care about the social aspects of it,” Wyatt said.
Principal Martin Straub mentioned the social aspects of school during the September Site Council meeting.
“We’re social beings,” Straub said. I didn’t realize how much I would miss the kids until I had to go to school without kids in the building. It was a shell.”
Out of 860 students, just 30 students have chosen to go remote this year.
“I’m very, very proud of that number,” Straub said. “I just think it speaks well for the kids and the trust that parents have for us and the school to keep their kids safe.”

Alicia Feyerherm is a senior, and this is her fourth year in Newspaper. She is very honored and excited to be in the role of Editor-in-Chief this year....