Career information presented to juniors
Counselor Mrs. Miller talks to the junior class about options after high school.
During PRIDE Time on Sept. 30, the Junior Class listened to a presentation from the counselors about their plans for after high school.
“We presented a PowerPoint to the juniors to get them to think about their post-secondary plans after high school, just the things they need to be doing their junior year and their senior year in order to prepare for life after high school,” counselor Suellyn Stenger said.
During the presentation, they discussed the options after high school, the ways that they can prepare, the further educational opportunities in Kansas, the PSAT, ACT and SAT tests, the college admissions process and the Dane Hansen college scholarship.
“I have found the information the that the counselors have given us very useful,” junior Matthew Bollig said. “It has given me more ideas as for what I need to prepare for as a junior and as a senior next year.”
Like Bollig, junior Tyler Solida also found the presentation to be helpful.
“I found it beneficial because it gives us a little bit more of a view on what we can do to prepare,” Solida said. “It shows us what’s important to do in high school that can better our lives and our futures.
Stenger said that she was pleased with the juniors’ response.
“They did a great job of paying attention and listening, so I think for most of them found it very beneficial,” Stenger said. “We will also make the PowerPoint available to their parents so I’m sure it will be helpful to guide the students as well.”

Rylie Fairbank is a sophomore, and this is her first year in newspaper. She absolutely loves anything "Mamma Mia" and ABBA. All fruit snacks are tropical...