StuCo elects officers for 2020-2021 school year
Due to school closure for COVID-19, Student Council officials were elected via a poll sent out through email this year.
On April 24, students running for officer positions were given a chance to speak on a StuCo-wide Zoom call.
After the Zoom meeting, the recording of the meeting was shared so those who did not attend the meeting would be able to see the speeches.
Polling for StuCo executive positions and class presidents were left up for four days.
All StuCo members were able to vote for executive positions, but class presidents could only be elected by members in their grade.
After StuCo executive positions and class presidents were chosen, anyone who ran for one of those positions but was not elected was put on the ballot for class vice president.
The 2020-2021 StuCo officers are as follows:
StuCo Executive Officers
President—senior Alicia Feyerherm
Vice-President–senior Ginny Ke
Public Relations Officer–senior Emelia Morley
Secretary- senior-Audrey Rymer
Treasurer–senior Hope Kisner
Senior Class President—senior Alexis White
Senior Class Vice President—McKena McBride
Junior Class President–Junior Alex Johnson
Junior Class Co-Vice-Presidents-Juniors Tyler Solida and Grace McCord
Sophomore Class President—Sophomore Hannah Eikenberry
Sophomore Class Vice President-Sophomore Quinton McGuire
Freshman class officials will be elected at the start of the school year.
Some officers have held officer positions in years prior, like Johnson, who has been class president for three years now.
“Well, I applied for StuCo in middle school, in seventh grade, and I thought it was pretty fun,” Johnson said. “Then, I got elected as freshman class president in eighth grade, and I didn’t really plan on quitting.”
White was a junior co-vice president and thought running for president would help her step out of her comfort zone.
“I thought that I had the abilities necessary to lead my class, and I should at least try to run for that position,” White said.
In addition to returning officers, this election cycle saw new faces rise to leadership positions.
“I’ve been in StuCo since my freshman year and always wanted to be more involved, but I was really shy,” McBride said. “A few people who were StuCo officers talked to me about possibly becoming a fellow officer next year, and it made realize I should just go for it.”
This sentiment was echoed by Kisner.
“I have always loved StuCo and all the activities they put on, and I wanted to be a part of that,” Kisner said. “I have been in StuCo since freshman year and have always wanted to be more involved with it.”
Having this school year cut short due to COVID-19 has made officers even more eager to make this coming school year memorable.
“Coming back after the pandemic will be a first for all students, and I love that I get to be a part of welcoming everyone back to our new normal with the activities that StuCo gets to plan,” McBride said. “I really missed the social aspect of school these last few weeks and can’t wait to see everyone again.”

Alicia Feyerherm is a senior, and this is her fourth year in Newspaper. She is very honored and excited to be in the role of Editor-in-Chief this year....