StuCo meets on Jan. 21 to discuss upcoming events
Student Council met on Jan. 21 in the Lecture Hall to discuss upcoming events.
After taking attendance for the meeting via Kahoot, StuCo President Maddie Lohmeyer discussed changes with the SAFE pledge card prizes.
“Instead of doing gift cards for the winners of each grade for the pledge cards, we’re going to have gift baskets,” Lohmeyer said. “Each basket will have a theme, like car accessories.”
The next item on the agenda was Dodge for a Cause.
Dodge for a Cause will be on March 6 and will start at 7 p.m. This year, the proceeds will be split between the families of Instructor Cade Scott and Librarian Erin Holder.
Scott’s son was born with a heart defect, and Holder’s daughter was born with Down Syndrome and has cancer. The proceeds of the tournament will help the families with medical bills and other expenses.
Teams must be comprised of 10 to 12 students and must be co-ed. However, the teams can be made up of students from different schools.
“If you have friends that go to a different school, you can have a team with half Hays High students and half Victoria students,” StuCo sponsor Alicia Brungardt said.
The cost to participate in the tournament is $10 and includes a complimentary T-shirt. Spectators may attend the event for $5.
Finally, Indian Call was discussed.
This year, each grade will participate in hallway decorating. Each class will be assigned a color and will decorate their hallway according to the theme of “Come Together.”
“It’ll sort of be like float building during Homecoming,” StuCo Vice President Yesenia Maldonado said. “There will be a day where there will be no passing during PRIDE Time unless you’re helping decorate your hallway.”

Alicia Feyerherm is a senior, and this is her fourth year in Newspaper. She is very honored and excited to be in the role of Editor-in-Chief this year....