Informational meeting about 2021 trip to Germany, France, Portugal and Spain held in Lecture Hall
Senior Yesenia Moldonado speaks about her experience traveling to Scotland and Ireland through EF Tours during the informational meeting about the 2021 trip to Germany, France, Portugal and Spain offered through EF Tours. Seniors Joanna Carillo and Matt Goodale also attended the Scotland and Ireland trip and shared their favorite parts of the trip.
Those interested in visiting Germany, France, Spain and Portugal in 2021 through EF Tours met in the Lecture Hall from 6:30-7:30 p.m. on Sept. 11 for an informational meeting.
After welcoming students and parents to the meeting, students who traveled to Scotland and Ireland last year got a chance to share their experiences going on the trip.
“It was my first time leaving the country, which was pretty neat,” senior Yesenia Maldonado said. “It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I think everyone should go because once you start traveling, you kind of get the travel bug.”
The trip is tentatively scheduled for June 1-16 of 2021, and the cost per student is $5,365.
Since this trip is through EF tours, there is a chance the departure and return dates may be a few days earlier or later, but final dates will not be solidified until closer to the trip.
Some of the sites the students will visit while on the trip include the Olympic Stadium in Munich, Resident, Marienplatz, Neuschwanstein Castle, Dachau Concentration Camp, the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower.
Students can either set up monthly billing so that $264 is subtracted from their checking account each month, or students can choose to pay for the trip manually.
Those who choose to pay manually will be charged a one–time fee of $50, and $260 is due at the time of enrollment. After that, $500 is due 20 days after enrolling, and another $500 is due 90 days after enrolling. The rest of the trip must be paid in full 110 days prior to departure. Those who enroll by Sept. 20 will receive a $200 discount off of their total travel costs.
Throughout the year, students will receive fundraising opportunities to help mitigate the cost of the trip. Students will sell Krispy Kreme donuts, plus pizzas, and will work the concessions stand at sporting events as ways to help pay for their trip.
Any student can come on this trip if they have never received an out of school suspension. Adults can also come on the trip, provided they pass a background check. The cost for adults on this trip is $6,165.
Even if you are of legal drinking age, drinking is prohibited while on this trip.
“If you are caught drinking, you are being sent back home on the next flight at your expense,” instructor Lora Haynes said.
Parents will be able to contact their students throughout the trip, and there is a 24-hour phone line for parents to use if they need to contact their child immediately. There is also a Facebook page for this trip, and updates are regularly posted so parents know where their kids are and if they are safe.
“We want the students to have a fun time, but their safety is of the utmost importance,” trip sponsor Julie Pfannenstiel said.

Alicia Feyerherm is a senior, and this is her fourth year in Newspaper. She is very honored and excited to be in the role of Editor-in-Chief this year....