StuCo meets for first time on Aug. 28, discusses upcoming events
StuCo Public Relations Officer Kaylor Meyers addresses StuCo during the meeting on Aug. 28. Members signed into the meeting via Kahoot. For those with technological difficulties, a paper attendance sheet was passed around the Lecture Hall.
Student Council met for the first time this year on Aug. 23 during PRIDE Time.
Many topics were discussed in the meeting including PRIDE Night, The Color Run, Dillon’s Fundraisers and preliminary Homecoming plans.
The Color Run is Aug. 24, and only StuCo officers are volunteering for that event.
“By doing so, all the other StuCo members can participate in the fun,” StuCo Public Relations Officer Kaylor Meyers said.
One of StuCo’s big focuses for this year will be pushing the Dillon’s rewards program. If parents list Hays High School as their designated Charity or Nonprofit in their Dillon’s app, HHS will receive a percentage of the sales from that account.
Doing so costs the parents absolutely nothing, but benefits the school.
Students signed up to help with the StuCo booth and Dillon’s reward promotion during PRIDE Night.
The Homecoming Dance will be on Sept. 28 with float building starting on Sept. 22. This year, the Homecoming theme is “Hollywood Homecoming.”
Class meetings will take place on Aug. 27 during PRIDE time to discuss preliminary float plans and determine class colors.

Alicia Feyerherm is a senior, and this is her fourth year in Newspaper. She is very honored and excited to be in the role of Editor-in-Chief this year....