Guitar club features beginner, advanced groups
Rather than having one guitar club group it was split into two– advanced and beginner.
Guitar club has split into two separate clubs this year due to differences in skill level.
“I would imagine it’s going to make it more enjoyable for everybody,” sponsor Matthew Whitney said. “This year, my focus is dividing up those who know how to play and those who don’t so that I can focus on both groups and give them the quality and time that they need.”
Last year, guitar club accepted both beginners and advanced players in the same group at the same time. Whitney said this was causing him to focus his attention on catching up the beginners and leaving the advanced students with no instruction.
“We had a loss of advanced players who knew how to play just because the club was full of kids who really wanted to know how to play and my focus was on them,” Whitney said.
Junior Michaela Austin was a member last year and said she also saw it as a problem and she liked the new change.
“I think it will be more helpful, especially for beginners so that they actually have their own area to learn instead of feeling like they’re behind the advanced kids all the time,” Austin said.
Whitney also said students can “bounce back and forth” to whichever group they feel best suits their needs.
“I think we’ll see some good things happening,” Whitney said.

Kalyssa Boyle is a sophomore who loves gaming, Mountain Dew, and snakes. Her hair color varies and is mostly decided by whatever box has the most ridiculous...