Instructor to run 2018 Boston Marathon

Instructor Andrea Zody will run the 2018 Boston Marathon on April 16.
Instructor Andrea Zody will run the Boston Marathon on April 16.
Zody has been running for about eight years and never thought she would run the Boston Marathon. In 2016, she ran the Loveland Marathon and qualified. In order to qualify, one must run a marathon on a sanctioned course and under a certain time dependent on age and gender.
“It is such an honor to be one of 30,000 runners on that day,” Zody said “People who come to Boston from all over the world are very diversified – those who utilize wheelchairs (traveling the 26.2 miles an average of 20 mph), military veterans, elite athletes, people who have overcome tremendous obstacles and then, plenty of people like me who never dreamed they would be participating in the world’s oldest annual marathon.”
On weekends, Zody trained by doing long runs and hills, even when it was freezing outside.
“Running is a good excuse to eat a lot of pizza,” Zody said. “During a training run this winter, the water in my water bottle actually froze! That is a first!”
Some other interesting runs Zody has participated include Grin and Bear it (Crested Buttle, Colorado that include a 1700 feet ascent), Rural Route 13.1, FHSU Alumni Run and more.
“My goal is to finish strong enough to enjoy every minute,” Zody said. “And smile. And wave. And high five every volunteer I can.”

Anna Brull is a sophomore, and this is her second year in newspaper. She is also involved in Cross Country, Student Council, Red Cross Club and Chess Club....