DECA starts Depression Awareness Campaign
Two junior DECA students are promoting the ‘Find the Light’ depression and anxiety awareness campaign within the school.
There will be a special week at the end of this month, Jan. 25-29, to raise awareness of depression and anxiety disorders among teens.
These disorders are common everywhere, with all types of people, of all different ages. The goal is to raise the awareness to help students either cope with the disorder or be there in support for those that do.
Depression and anxiety is nothing to be ashamed of, and that is part of the overall campaign message.
DECA students discovered approximately two-thirds of people living with a depression or anxiety disorder do not receive treatment to help overcome it. Everyone deserves support from each other.
Making the high school aware of this campaign will hopefully help most students understand that they are not alone and someone is there to listen.
For further information, contact junior Courtney Molleker at 785-639-3699 or junior Caitlyn Scheck at 785-639-3711.

This is Fengxue (Sylina) Zhang, Co-Editor In Chief of The Guidon and she is a senior at Hays High. She is involved in Tennis, DECA, Spring Play, Leadership...