HHITA attends ElectroRally
On Sept. 25, HHITA students competed with their handmade cars at the High Plains ElectroRally at West Frontier Park.
The race was considered a one hour endurance test for the electric cars. It is a practice run for the Kansas ElectroRally Championship Series coming up in spring.
Two divisions of cars competed in two races, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Plaques were awarded to the top two racers in each car class. A plaque for team spirit was also given out.
Many schools competed, whether it was with extracurricular clubs or for classes like Hays High. Not all of the competitors were in high school; five FHSU students participated alongside the teenage students but were not eligible for the prizes.
Helpers of the races were at the course for multiple hours before the activities began. They set up the course, marking the miles with hay bales and cones.
Local businesses sponsored the event and made it possible to keep the races fee free for the high school participants. Sponsors also provided food for the event.