New secretary Christy Kearns replaces LouWayne Davidson
Christy Kearns has joined the staff as a new secretary, replacing the vacancy left by the departure of LouWayne Davidson.
Kearns, who moved to Hays from Great Bend, heard about the job through Kansas Works. Before she became a secretary, she worked at T&C Manufacturing for a year as an administrative assistant and before that she worked at CPI Qualified plans Consolations for 14 years as the manager in the supporting deparetment.
“The job sounded like something fun to do,” Kearns said. “I’d never worked in a school setting before so this was a new opportunity.”
Kearns really likes working at a school, even if it can be a lot of work sometimes and very busy.
“I think it’s busy here, but there are great people to work with,” Kearns said. “It’s fun and everyone has been very welcoming.”

This is editor Kara Brooks. She is a senior this year and enjoys cats, books and The Office.