‘Big Brother’ increases adrenaline and provokes competition

“Big Brother” has been hosted by Julie Chen for 20 years. Chen’s husband Les Moonves has been accused of sexual harassment, so she may not return for another season.
For 20 years “Big Brother” has aired on CBS, hosted by Julie Chen. Now, as the season comes to an end, viewers are concerned with the possibility of the show not being renewed for another year.
“Big Brother” is a competitive reality show that focuses on the lives of 16 members of society. The show begins with 16 people from all over America receiving a key letting them know they are going to be competing for half a million dollars.
These 16 members must spend 90 days in the house with no outside contact. During this time, they compete to win the Head of Household (HoH). The winner of the HoH competition then chooses two people to put on the block.
While on the block, there is a veto competition. The players for the veto competition include the HoH, the two nominees and three other house guests chosen by random draw.
The winner of the veto competition then must decide to use the veto, or to not. If said player decides not to use it, the nominations remain the same and the other house guests vote to evict one of the players. If said player does use the veto, the HoH must chose a replacement nominee for the block.
Those evicted are sent home until there are nine house guests remaining. From then on, those evicted will be sent to the jury house where they will wait until there are two players remaining.
The jury then decides who the winner of half a million dollars is. America makes decisions to award other players with titles such as America’s Favorite Player.
“Big Brother” incites adrenaline, excitement, anger, confusion and joy throughout each season. With different players and new twists every year, the game is constantly changing. I give the show an 7/10 for involving America and creating a healthy competition for people. I took points away because there are some aspects of the show that are clearly staged.

Isabelle Braun is a senior who loves talking to new people and spending time with friends. She is very driven and plans to make her senior year the best...