Certain types of humor can be offensive to students
There are different types of humor that appeal to different kinds of people. Some people like more dry humor, while others crack up at things such as puns. But for every type of person, there are types of humor they find offensive.
Junior Hannah Unrein said she has a very wide ranged sense of humor, but doesn’t enjoy when humor is at someone’s expense.
“I laugh at everything and find a lot of things funny,” Unrein said. “But I don’t like it when people are being mean and laughing at someone. Jokes should be used to laugh with a person, not at them.”
Sophomore Lisa Schoenberger finds sarcastic humor to be her favorite.
“If humor is geared towards my friends then I find it funny, but if it is at someone’s expense that I don’t know I don’t think it’s as funny,” Schoenberger said. “I just don’t take offense to many things, so I don’t realize when people consider certain things offensive.”
Sophomore Shawn Meyers finds humor at someone’s expense unkind and hurtful.
“Jokes are supposed to make everyone happy not bring people down,” Meyers said.
Freshman Jacee Dale agrees, and thinks that mean humor should not be used.
“I don’t think people should laugh at others or tell jokes that are mean just to make people laugh,” Dale said. “I think it’s very offensive if someone is getting made fun of, and they didn’t do anything to cause getting made fun of.”
Junior Savannah Unsworth finds dry humor to be the kind she usually uses.
“I enjoy very sarcastic senses of humor,” Unsworth said. “But if someone uses humor that is meant to be mean, I don’t like it. I don’t usually find things offensive to me, but I do feel bad for other people when it happens to them.”
Sophomore Sarah Wise believes humor can be offensive depending on how it’s told.
“It really depends on what a person says on whether it’s offensive or not,” Wise said. “In general, if it’s supposed to be poking fun of someone else, it’s pretty rude. I really don’t appreciate sarcastic humor.”
Juniors Tristan Jay and Braden Dinkel said they don’t like when people make fun of other people to get a laugh, but think it can be funny at times.
“When humor is geared towards someone else it can be a little funny and a little mean,” Dinkel said. “It depends on the situation. It’s not as funny when it’s towards people I don’t know.”
Everyone handles offensive humor differently, and some react in different ways to being the expense of a joke.
“I usually ignore people when they make fun of me or have a negative response,” Unrein said.
Unsworth just ignores whoever is trying to use rude humor towards her.
“If someone was trying to be funny by being mean to me or my friends I stand up for us, but I would never be rude back,” Wise said.

This is editor Kara Brooks. She is a senior this year and enjoys cats, books and The Office.