Food in class may not be an issue
Many students enjoy snacking during their classes, but some teachers don’t allow them to snack as they please.
Most students find that they get to eat in the majority of their classes.
“I am allowed to eat in most of them,” junior Hayden Sillmon.
Junior Megan Scott said she can drink beverages in her classes.
“We’re allowed to have drinks except soda or energy drinks,” Scott said. “We can only eat in some though. I get it because some students are irresponsible and don’t clean up after themselves.”
Students believe teachers have the right to decide whether students can snack in their classes or not.
“It can get annoying and people can chew too loud and rustle their jimmies,” Sillmon said.
Sophomore Ryan Will agreed and said instructors can enforce whatever rules they find reasonable.
“It’s their classrooms so they can do what they want with them,” Will said.
Will thinks some classes should not be eaten in.
“You shouldn’t get to eat in science classes because of chemicals and stuff,” Will said. “I don’t see why not in any other classes.”
Math instructor Erin Deenihan does allow students to eat in her classroom.
“I let them because I think hunger is a distraction,” Deenihan said. “If they’re hungry, they can’t learn as well.”
Deenihan doesn’t believe she experiences any real downsides of letting students snack.
“Sometimes I’ll notice the sounds of wrappers so that’s that but people do a good job cleaning up after themselves,” Deenihan said. “I made it clear they need to. It’s not the janitor’s job to clean up their mess.”