Nine tips for safe driving
1. The obvious one – don’t drive under the influence.
According to, there have been 2,389 car crashes in the past year that are related to alcohol.
2. Don’t text and drive.
Research shows that people can’t truly multitask. For more information, click here.
3. Don’t eat while you’re driving.
If you have to, try to just eat while you’re at a red light, not while you’re actually driving. Again, people can’t multitask efficiently, so it’s better to focus on driving.
4. Don’t listen to loud music.
A study shows that listening to certain music distracts the driver. Teens that weren’t listening to music had fewer crashes and performed better while driving. For more information, click here.
5. Adjust your mirrors for blind spots.
No part of your car should appear in any of your mirrors. For more information, click here.
6. Always turn your headlights on, especially if you have a dull-colored car.
It’s easier for other drivers to see you.
7. Plan ahead – make sure you have enough time to get where you need to go without speeding, especially if there’s a potential for bad driving conditions, like ice, snow or rain.
8. If your tire blows out, don’t step on the break.
This will result in loss of control of the car. Rather, keep your foot on the gas (you won’t accelerate) and pull over slowly until you come to a stop. For more information on how to survive a car emergency, click here.
9. If your car starts to fishtail, correct it by turning the same way that the rear end is turning.
For more information, click here.

Katie is a sophomore and this is her first year participating in newspaper. She is also involved in tennis, concert band, and jazz band. Some of the things...