Pa’s haunted corn maze

Last weekend there was a haunted corn maze two and a half miles outside of town going from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m.
It cost $10, but if you were from Hays High, they donated $3 to the musical. I think it was well worth the cost.
Once you bought a ticket and signed a waiver, you had to wait for groups to go through before you could. But as you waited, there were alpacas you were allowed to feed by hand, and there was an extremely friendly cat to pet.
When our group was allowed to go, we were given one lantern and had to navigate the dark maze with it. People would run through the corn, which made scary sounds and jump out at you. They would even mock you in scary voices if you went the wrong way. There were also many surprises, but you can experience it yourself next year.
It wasn’t extremely scary, but it wasn’t boring, and if you have time on your hands, I would suggest going every time they have it. It’s worth it and a great way to hang out with friends.