Seniors earn over $1 million in scholarships at awards ceremony on May 7
Members of the class of 2018 were recognized at the awards ceremony on May 7.
Academic and athletic awards were accepted by the student body on May 7.
There were 50 award and scholarship presentations and over $1 million in scholarships was given away.
“That was just what was given last night,” counselor Amy Miller said. “There are a lot more out there. I think it’s wonderful and a great opportunity for students to further the education. These people were very generous, and we just appreciate their generosity.”
ACL/NJCL National Latin Exam Award:
Silver Maxima Cum Laude – freshman Andrew Duke
Cum Laude – freshman Kalyssa Boyle and sophomore Allison Hillebrand
Certificate of Merit – sophomore Emily Huff
Kansas Department of Education Seal of Biliteracy:
Seniors Analyse Claude, Lacey Gregory, Edgar Nieblas, Carlo Pulido and Kyler Voss
National Academy of Future Scientists and Technologist Award of Excellence:
Junior Cordelia Isbell
Casper J. Middlekauff American Legion Auxiliary Unit 173 Scholarship:
Senior Kaitlyn Schaben
Ellis County Senior 4-H Scholarship:
Seniors Kelli Buxton, Emily Quinn, Katherine Weisenborn and Collin Werth
Golden Belt Bank Scholarship:
Senior Zachary Wagoner
Nex-Tech “Break the Rules” Scholarship:
Senior Dawson Harman
Hays High Helping Hands Scholarship:
Senior Tabitha Haselhorst
Hays High FFA Chapter Scholarship:
Seniors Kelli Buxton, Kara Gabel, Jared Kisner, Ranessa Maestas, Kelsi Page, Dylan Schmidtberger, Dustin Schneider and Collin Werth
Cody Joseph Younger FFA Memorial Scholarship:
Seniors Kara Gabel and Jared Kisner
Jordyn Claiborn Free Spirit Award:
Senior Erin Muirhead
Ana Hertel Scholarship:
Seniors Autumn Hohmann and Noelia Villa
Coach Bob Kuhn Scholarship:
Senior Abigail Balman
Bob Kuhn Courage Award:
Senior Ethan Nunnery and Macey Steckel
United States Army Reserve Scholar/Athlete Award:
Seniors Chaylee Lix and Dylan Schmidtberger
Hays High Student Council Leadership Scholarship:
Seniors Trinity Callis and London Keller
American Red Cross Blood Services Young Minds Change Lives Scholarship:
Senior Abigail Balman
Sunflower Bank Community Ambassadors:
Seniors Trinity Callis, Autumn Hohmann, London Keller, Mallory Linn, Kamree Markley, Erin Muirhead, Alyssa Owns, Sara Rohleder, Kaitlyn Schaben and Mark Schuckman
Scholarship Winner:
Senior Mallory Linn
Hays High Alumni Association Scholarship:
Senior Dawson Harman
Air Force Recruiting Service Mathematics and Science Award:
Senior Dawson Rooney
Honor Letters:
Sophomore Tasiah Nunnery; juniors Jaycee Dale, Madyson Flax, Kalie Leiker, Tradgon McCrae, Brooke Pflaum, Savannah Schneider, Logan Schulte; seniors Tara Hertel, Ethan Nunnery and Trey VanPelt
American Legion Award:
Seniors Tara Hertel and London Keller
National Federation of High Schools Award of Excellence:
Seniors William Martin and Macey Steckel
Hays Wrestling Club Scholarship:
Senior Trey VanPelt
Hays High June Reynolds National Honor Society Scholarship:
Seniors London Keller and Sara Rohleder
Hays High School Class of 1967 Scholarship:
Seniors Dustin Schneider and Paige Porter
United States Marine Corp Distinguished Athlete Award:
Seniors Autumn Hohmann and Mark Schuckman
The “Semper Fidelis” Award for Musical Excellence
Senior Nick Davidson
Kansas Board of Regents State Scholar:
Seniors Brendan Chapman, Autumn Hohmann, Madison Karlin, Drew Morley and Taryn Stauth
Governor’s Community Service Award:
Senior Brendan Chapman
Air Force ROTC Scholarship:
Senior Sara Rohleder
Daughters of American Revolution Good Citizen Award:
Senior Trinity Callis
KSHSAA Citizenship Award:
Seniors Trinity Callis and Garrett Gregg
Kansas ACT College and Career Readiness Student Champion:
Senior Lacey Gregory
Governors Scholars Award:
Seniors Lacey Gregory and Dawson Rooney
The Kansas State Department of Education Certificate for Exceptional Academic Performance:
Seniors Eric Adams, Brendan Chapman, Lacey Gregory, Madison Karlin, Drew Morley, Dawson Rooney, Mark Schuckman, Ethan Tschanz and Katherine Weisenborn
Hays Rotary Club Scholarship:
Seniors Autumn Hohmann and Jared Kisner
Dane G. Hansen Scholarships:
Leaders of Tomorrow ($40,000)
Seniors Brendan Chapman, Lacey Gregory and Mark Schuckman
Hansen Scholars ($26,000)
Seniors Trinity Callis, Alliana Drees, Autumn Hohmann, Madison Karlin, Dawson Rooney, Kaitlyn Schaben and Ethan Tschanz
Hansen Students ($8,000)
Seniors Abigail Balman, Analyse Claude, Mikayla Boerner, Drew Morley, Sara Rohleder, Kayla Satomi, Taryn Stauth, Kyler Voss, Zachary Wagner, Katherine Weisenborn, Ryan Will and Sarah Wyse
Career and Technical Education (8,000)
Seniors Keaton Augustine, Marissa Befort, Savannah Bieker, Ashley Boland, Emma Humphrey, Jared Kisner, Kelsi Page, Taya Randle, Jennifer Vallejo, Mason Weber, Jesse Weilert and Tracee Weilert
2017-2018 All-Academic Team:
Junior Kallie Leiker and seniors Karee Dinkel, Trinity Callis, Tara Hertel, Anna Wellbrock, Gabriela Taliaferro, Kyra Polifka-Wilhelm, Drew Morley, Blade Goering, London Keller, Allen Zollinger, Kyler Koenke, Hunter Brown, Mark Schuckman, Tana Herreman, Zachary Miller, Macey Steckel, Tayzian Otte, Tadin Flinn and Alliana Drees
Debbie Brungardt Fan of the Year Award:
Christin Nunnery, Joel Dreiling and senior Reese Lovell
Shelter Insurance Foundation Scholarship:
Seniors Emily Quinn and Emily Woydziak
Fort hays State University Presidential Award of Distinction:
Seniors Eric Adams, Trinity Callis, Drew Desbien, Alliana Drees, Blade Goering, Autumn Hohmann, Madision Karlin, Zachary Miller, Kayla Satomi, Mark Schuckman, Levil Smith, Taryn Stauth, Ethan Tschanz, Zachary Wagner and Ryan Will
Fort Hays State University Honors College Scholarship:
Seniors Brendan Chapman, Mark Schuckman and Taryn Stauth
University of Kansas Chancellor Scholarship:
Seniors Lacey Gregory, Madison Karlin, Drew Morley and Dawson Rooney
Kansas State University Putnam Scholarship:
Seniors Madison Karlin, Drew Morley and Katherine Weisenborn
National Merit Commended Student:
Senior Brendan Chapman
Academic Booster Club Scholarship:
Seniors Abigail Balman, Trinity Callis, Alliana Drees, Madison Karlin, London Keller, Mikalya Koerner, Mallory Linn, Kyra Polifka-Wilhelm, Sara Rohleder, Kaitlyn Schaben, Mark Schuckman and Zachary Wagner
Outstanding Athlete Award:
Jack Roberts Female Outstanding Athlete:
Senior Karee Dinkel
Swim Carpenter Smith Outstanding Male Athlete:
Senior Ethan Nunnery

Isabelle Braun is a senior who loves talking to new people and spending time with friends. She is very driven and plans to make her senior year the best...