Junior varsity cheer tryouts to be held this week
Junior varisty winter cheer tryouts are taking place this week. Students with the hopes of becoming part of the squad will start tryout practices tonight, and continue through with them until Thursday when actual tryouts pursue.
Each male and female will have to attend one tryout practice if they wish to be included in tryouts. Students who make the squad will cheer for the upcoming wrestling and basketball seasons.
“As of right now,” sophomore cheerleader Mkilar Otte said. “We have only a handful of people trying out. We need quite a few leaders to make up a good squad.”
If students find they may want to attend on short notice they can contact head coach, Komoss Creamer. Her email is kcreamer@usd489.com .
“Even if participators do not make it, it’s still a great way to learn the ins and outs of cheer,” said Otte. “It could prepare them for later tryouts.”
Junior varsity cheerleader Isys Bearly agrees.
“Everyone will really see the tryout process,” Bearly said. “They’ll learn dances and cheers.”
Otte looks forward to an expanded squad and new teammates to share memories with.
“It’s good for kids to get involved,” Otte said. “It’s a great experience.”

Madison Crees is in her third year of newspaper. She is honored to be serving as Co-Editor in Chief. Madison, commonly known as Maddie, is involved in...