Chamber Singers garage sale planned for Oct. 4


The Chamber Singers held a garage sale at the National Guard Armory here in Hays on Saturday, Sept. 21. The purpose of the garage sale was to raise money for the New York trip, during which they will perform at Carnegie Hall.

Senior Nick Overbey emphasizes how important the funds will be to the Chamber singers.

“Not all our singers can afford the trip so it’s important to raise money,” Overbey said

Chamber Singers Director Johnny Matlock tells about the trip.

“All the proceeds we made go towards funding the 2014 Chamber Singer trip to Carnegie Hall, New York City,” Matlock said. “The total earnings will be divided by the number of students to help them raise money for the trip. It will be the trip of a lifetime.”

There are to be future fundraisers held by the Chamber Singers.

Garage sale number two is scheduled to be on Oct. 4.

Senior chamber singer Molly Barnett stresses the importance of the second garage sale.

“This second garage sale is extremely important because this could be one of the deciding factors to whether we go to New York or not,” Barnett said. “It will really help us all out. This trip to New York is kind of expensive but it would be the greatest experience. We would get to perform at Carnegie Hall which would be amazing and I am so excited.”

Junior chamber singer Amanda Dinkel is also excited about raising money.

“The garage sale is a super big deal for chamber singers so that we can raise money for our New York City trip,” Dinkel said. “There will be really great furniture and appliances for super good deals. Come check it out. We will be looking forward to seeing you there.”