Let men be feminine
Anyone who expresses femininity, regardless of gender or sexuality is likely to be shamed for it. However, when a boy possesses feminine interests or attributes, things could get brutal.
Gendered marketing exemplifies the fear people in our society have of being feminine. Though it is simply a technique companies use to make a larger profit, it tells a lot about our society. They can take pretty much anything that is inherently feminine or simply neutral and generate a masculine version of it. For example, Banana Boat has come out with a line of sunscreen that comes in black tubes and is labelled: for men.
So, why this fear of femininity? Since the beginning, masculinity has been seen as something greater than, or more useful than femininity, and even though most people see this as untrue today, we still have issues.
Girls who express masculinity aren’t likely to be shamed for it. In fact, it’s fairly normal for females to act at least somewhat masculine. Girls have been wearing pants for quite a while now, but boys still can’t wear skirts without being harassed? Statistics show that it is far more likely for crossdressing men to be assaulted or murdered than it is for crossdressing women.
In order for violence towards feminine boys to cease, we as a society must somehow shake the idea that femme is frail, that clothing is gendered, that makeup is only for girls and that sensitivity is weakness, and learn to be open-minded about people who don’t always fit their gender’s harsh stereotypes.
Transmen can be feminine, gender non-conforming people can be feminine, cis men can be feminine, literally anyone can be feminine and that is okay.
So let boys wear dresses. Let boys wear makeup and be sensitive. It doesn’t make them any less of a person, in fact, it is an act of bravery to be able to stand out in a society that rejects things like this.
People should not be ashamed to express femininity because it is just as important and just as strong as masculinity.

Brianna Mathias is a senior and this is her third year of being on the Guidon staff. She is a co-editor-in-chief and loves newspaper. She likes bees, folk-punk,...
Delphine Burns • Oct 1, 2015 at 4:30 pm
Grace Walker • Aug 27, 2015 at 8:56 am
I love you so so much for this Brianna. your stories are always my favorites to read because they’re so real and true. keep it up!
Sawyer Moore • Aug 26, 2015 at 4:45 pm
Thank you so much Brianna. The statement Trans men can be feminine almost made me cry because most people tell me I can never be feminine. Another lovely opinion and a+ work.
Luke Nansel • Aug 26, 2015 at 1:16 pm
Oh my a sunscreen is labeled “for men” here is an idea… Men and Women don’t have the same kind of skin… Just saying. So maybe just maybe it is formulated differently to work better for a mans skin than a womans skin. But what can I say it takes a little bit of thinking to come up with a conclusion like that. Not just being a closed minded person and making everything about sexism for once. But here Brianna I’ll give you a website so you can gain some insight that men and women do have different types of skin. So to close…you argument saying that a skincare product labeled “for men” or “for women” is demasculinizing is completely wrong, and maybe you should do some research first before you write another article over if something is sexist or not… Have a good day!
Madison Schmidt • Aug 27, 2015 at 11:37 am
That’s really not what’s she’s saying though. Sure, men’s skin is different from women skin, that’s true! Good job! But the point of this article was to point out that anyone can be feminine, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Maybe you should have read the article and learned from it instead of taking on miniscule detail from it and blowing it up. This article isn’t about skin care, maybe you should take more time reading it next time! Have a great day!
Trey Kaiser • Aug 31, 2015 at 10:27 am
You’re right Madison. The article isn’t SOLELY about skin care. That is just a topic that Luke pointed out. In summary the article talks about how everybody who walks the planet doesn’t accept feminine men. Brianna, I understand that this is an opinion page, but next time please have some facts to back up your argument. Saying that it is more likely for a cross-dressing man to be murdered than a cross-dressing woman is completely ignorant unless you have statistics to prove it.
Alex Feyerherm • Aug 26, 2015 at 11:06 am
I see we’re starting early this year…
Dylan Davis • Aug 26, 2015 at 7:20 am